WKU Library Launches WIRE: A Cutting-edge Platform Integrating IR with CRIS

July 19, 2019 | Library News | DONG Shuai

WKU Library is pleased to announce a launch of Wenzhou-Kean Intellectual Research Environment (WIRE): http://wire.wku.edu.cn with DSpace-CRIS, a cutting-edge technological platform integrating traditional institutional repository with current research information system (CRIS). WKU is the first higher education institution in mainland China adopts the model of IR + CRIS.


WIRE aims to collect, preserve, and provide online access to the research output of WKU to the world, and through this, maximize the research visibility, usage, and impact of WKU researchers’ works. In addition, WIRE is also an online platform that brings together a whole range of institutional research activities, including research projects, grants, people, and organizations into one place. Researcher profiles are created to showcase the publications, research interests, activities and academic achievement of WKU researchers.



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