Approved November 13, 2020
I. Introduction
The Award Policy pertains to all awards supported by the WKU Library's donated funds. The policy's purpose is to provide general guidance to the appointment of award-related committees, including awards, grants, scholarships, and the related awarding procedures.
The Award Policy will be reviewed annually to determine if any amendments are needed to reflect changes or address new situations not previously covered by the policy.
II. Award Committee
The Award Committee should be formed every year by the WKU Library to oversee and coordinate all award-related procedures and activities. The Award Committee, chaired by the Library Director as an ex-officio, consists of four members, one from each College at WKU.
The Award Committee should work with the WKU Foundation to confirm an award's fund availability and determine whether award activities shall be carried out. The Award Committee shall confirm that a specific guideline is in place for each award and ensure award activities comply with the guideline.
The Award Committee should collect applications, confirm required files, and disclose the roster of valid applications on the Library website. The Award Committee should evaluate the application following the guideline, verify the finalist(s)' eligibility, and recommend the finalist(s) to the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs for final approval. Upon approval, the Award Committee should confirm with the finalist(s) on accepting the award then make a public announcement on the Library website.
III. Award Recipient
The award recipient(s) must not have received any written warnings from WKU before awarding.
For the grant-related awards, the recipient must submit a final report to the Chair of the Award Committee upon completing project activities. The report should include details (with proof of documentation) of how the fund was spent during the project period. Failure to do so will result in a full refund to the WKU Library.
IV. Timeline
- By November 30, the Library Director calls for volunteers and establishes the Award Committee.
- By December 31, the Award Committee confirms the fund availability of an award and determines whether award activities shall be carried out.
- By January 31, the Award Committee follows the award guideline to send out call-for-applications.
- By the second Sunday of the spring semester, the Award Committee closes the application, confirms required application files, and discloses eligible applicants' roster.
- By March 31, the Award Committee completes the evaluation, verifies the finalist(s) ' eligibility, and recommends the finalist(s) to the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
- By April 30, the Award Committee announces the result on the Library website, and works with the WKU Foundation to issue the fund to the recipient(s).
Approved on June 17, 2019
I. Introduction
The best practice and success of WKU Library rely not only on the professionalism of library staff but also on the civility of library patrons. WKU Library staff deserve to work in a positive and healthy environment where each library staff is treated equally with dignity. The purpose of this document is to guide the behaviors of all library patrons, to encourage healthy and positive communications among the library patrons and between the library staff and patrons. Following the code of conduct helps the WKU Library provide the most effective service to WKU community and fulfill the mission to advance teaching, research and scholarship.
II. Code of Conduct
- When entering the WKU Library, patrons must follow library policies and treat all staff and patrons in a courteous and respectful manner.
- Library patrons must exhibit behaviors that promote a safe, quiet, and comfortable environment for all patrons. Loud talking, eating, phoning, and smoking are strictly prohibited.
- Library patrons are not allowed to occupy seats by leaving personal belongings unattended.
- Report safety concerns, theft or vandalism to Library staff or WKU security immediately.
- Be respectful to Library’s literature resources and public facilities. Do not tear or paint on books and periodicals. Graffiti on desks, chairs, and walls are not tolerated.
- Help the Library keep a clean environment by placing trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.
III. Penalty
Those patrons unable to adhere to this code of conduct may be asked to leave by library staff or campus security; and should be responsible for caused damages.
Approved on December 4, 2017
Revised on July 23, 2019I. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to establish written principles for the development and management of the Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) Library collection, guiding the Library in the selection, acquisition, evaluation, and maintenance of information resources in electronic and print formats. It also serves as a tool to communicate the Library’s collection development procedures to faculty, administration, students, and other stakeholders in the university community.
The primary goal of the Library is to build a collection that supports the needs of teaching, learning, and research at WKU, making available to all students, faculty, and staff in a convenient and cost-effective fashion, the digital, print, and other scholarly resources that they need. As the University grows, the Library aspires to participate in and encourage cooperative collection development and resources sharing with peer institutions. WKU Library strives to accord with the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Standards for Libraries in Higher Education.
II. Budget
The collection budget is used for the purchase of all formats of information resources, including serials and books in print or electronic format, audio, video, or other non-print materials. Factors considered are the balance between books and serials, electronic and print formats, the strengths and weakness of the collection, collection to support new programs and courses, and the cost of materials. The university allocation is supplemented by funds from gifts and donations. The WKU Libary’s Head of Resources Management shall manage the budget to accomplish spending targets. The Library Director is the final authority for expenditures from the collection budget.
III. Selection
The overall responsibility for the collection rests with the Head of Resources Management. Other Library staff, such as the Library Director and Liaison(s), will recommend acquisitions. Teaching faculty members are strongly encouraged to recommend materials for acquisition in their subject areas. Students, university staff, and other interested parties may also make recommendations for purchase to the Library.
Collection decisions are also affected by the existing electronic resources, digital resources, and shared resources made available through the SINO-Foreign Partnership, as well as participation in consortia. The Library also benefits from group pricing on expensive electronic resources. As a member of OCLC, the Library shares their resources with other member libraries through Interlibrary Loan and reciprocal borrowing arrangements.
IV. Selection Principles
The Library recognizes the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association and the confidentiality of user information. The ALA Statement on Principles and Standards of Acquisitions Practice also offers a guide to ethical relationships with vendors and fair-trade practices. Information about Library materials recommended by library users will not be shared with third parties. The Library complies fully with all of the provisions of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Implementing Rules for the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China. In addition, the Library shall consult the U.S. Copyright Law (17 U.S.C) and its amendments, as both students and faculty that visit the SINO-Foreign partner Kean University campus in New Jersey will be subject to U.S. Copyright Law, including any misuse conducted with kean.edu email.
Selection of materials is a continuous process affected by the changing curriculum, as well as the availability of new materials. The primary criteria for selection are the extent to which the material is relevant to the curriculum, improves the overall collection, and enhances access to information. The general policy for selection applies equally to all types of materials being considered for the Library’s collection. Given the size of the university and the finite resources allocated to the Library, it is unlikely that the Library can provide all the materials that may be necessary or desirable. Therefore, in selecting materials, the following priorities apply (in descending order):
- Materials supporting the curriculum.
- Materials supporting research needs of faculty, staff, and students.
- Materials supporting cultural and general information.
- Materials for recreational reading.
Online databases and electronic formats are preferred over paper or microform when available, appropriate, and cost effective for abstracts, indexing, and supplying full-text articles. The Library relies heavily on electronic resources accessible through the the SINO-foreign partnership, and the Library purchases additional online databases, if needed, to support specific curriculum needs. The Library will not use the collection budget to purchase textbooks for specific courses.
V. Donation of Materials
The Library welcomes gifts of books and other cultural heritage materials that extend and complement existing collections. Because of the current temporary location of the Library, not all donations can be accepted. Although exceptions may be made for rare and unique items, materials that fall outside of our collection policy generally include:
- Textbooks
- Popular fictions/trade hardcover and paperbacks (except by authors)
- Popular magazines
- Issues of periodicals (exceptions may be in made in special circumstances)
- Titles the Library already owns (exceptions may be made in special circumstances)
Gifts are accepted with the understanding that they become the property of Wenzhou-Kean University upon receipt and that the Library may make all necessary decisions as to their retention, location, cataloging, and other considerations relating to their use and disposition. Materials accepted but not added to the Library collections may be exchanged with other University departments, or disposed of through charitable organizations, or other means. The Library shall not accept drop-offs of large amounts of gift materials unless a large donation has been discussed.
All gifts will be reviewed by an appropriate Library staff member prior to acceptance by the Library. The Library will need to collect identification from the donor, such as a business card or letter with name and contact information.
In-kind gifts by Americans to the Library may provide donors with U.S. federal and state income tax benefits. In accordance with IRS regulations, the Library cannot appraise any donations; however, a letter of acknowledgement for volumes donated to the Library will be sent to each donor. This letter may be used for income tax purposes. Donors wishing to claim a tax deduction may want to consult with their income tax preparer or the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for the proper procedure.
Approved on July 22, 2019
I. Introduction
Course reserves are print textbooks or other course-related materials physically separated from the Wenzhou-Kean University Library’s general collection and can be used as a support of specific educational programs at Wenzhou-Kean University. A course reserve shelf allows all students in the class to have equal access to these items.
To find certain course reserves, patrons can get access to Library Catalog through the Library website or directly follow the Library Catalog link. When identifying the desired items, patrons can take note of the call numbers and bring them to the Library Service Desk to check out the course reserve materials from the shelf. Course reserve materials can normally be checked out for 2 hours and must remain in the library. A late fee of RMB 1 yuan per hour will be accumulated every hour the item is overdue.
II. Materials Types
- Accepted: Faculty members’ personal copies of their lecture notes or any materials that do not have any copyright issues.
- Accepted: Books or other materials owned by the Library that are assigned as either required or supplemental readings for courses are accepted.
- NOT Accepted: Materials obtained from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan cannot be placed on reserve due to copyright law.
III. How to Place Materials on Course Reserve?
- If the desired materials are faculty’s belongings:
Faculty members can bring the materials directly to the Library Service Desk at GEH A301 and request the Library staff to put them on reserves.
- If the desired materials belong to the Library collection:
Faculty members can fill out and submit the Course Reserve Request Form then allow the Library staff enough time to process the request. Make sure to include email address for needed further communication.
- If the desired materials need to be acquired by the Library:
When submitting the Course Reserve Request Form , make sure complete information is included and indicate a recommended acquisition in the form. Library will follow the Collection Development Policy to assess and make decisions on the recommended items.
IV. Notes
To make sure that materials are ready for your students for the first week of classes, requests should be submitted as early as possible before the beginning of the semester. The materials that Wenzhou-Kean University Library or faculty members already had will need two weeks to process because of the needed re-cataloging. Please allow additional four to six weeks when an acquisition is required. International ordering cannot be guaranteed a delivery time due to international shipment and custom clearance.
Reserve items will be removed from the reserve shelf at the end of semester. Materials that are owned by the Library will be re-shelfed to the regular stack; materials owned by the instructors will be returned to the owners. The Library will send instructors a notice.
Approved on April 23, 2021
I. Introduction
The policy governs all teaching, learning, and research activities on computers and workstations at the WKU Library’s Digital Scholarship Center in the hope of providing sustainable and equal access to services and resources to our patrons.
II. Policy
1. Please register at the service desk before using computers.
2. Eating or drinking is not allowed when using the computers. Please take all of your belongings when leaving and keep the using area clean and tidy.
3. Please follow the handbooks or ask for assistance if encountering problems or technical issues.
4. Please do not make disturbing noises. For group discussion, please keep the volume not to affect others.
5. The computers are only used for pre-installed software and terminals. It is not allowed to download or install software without permission. If necessary, please contact the service desk.
6. Please do not use the resources and services for any purpose other than teaching, learning, and research.
7. Please do not bring visitors unassociated with WKU without permission.
8. Please save your data before turn off the computer. The Library will clean up users’ records to ensure user privacy and system stability.
III. Penalty
Those patrons unable to adhere to this policy may be asked to leave by library staff or campus security and be responsible for caused damages.
Approved on July 27, 2020
I. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to govern the WKU Library’s acceptance of donations and manage donor(s)’ expectations. The policy guides donor(s) and their professional advisors in completing donations. Donor(s) are advised to follow the policy and seek independent legal or tax counsel when donating to the WKU Library. The policy also guides the WKU Library and any other affiliated entities, committees, and stakeholders. WKU Library may engage legal or tax counsel to assist with the donation as needed and appropriate.
The Donation Acceptance and Management Policy will be reviewed annually to determine if any amendments are needed to reflect changes in law and/or to address new situations not previously covered by the policy.
II. General Policy
Acceptance of donations is based on the relevance and consistency with the purpose and mission of WKU and the Library. Donations which are contrary to or beyond the scope of WKU’s and the Library’s purpose and mission will be rejected.
Donations can adhere to the outlined purpose provided by the donor(s). To ensure that the donor(s)’ intent is met, and the use can be administered, the WKU Library and the WKU Foundation must work alongside the donor(s) to prepare an agreement that will govern the use of donations. The agreement shall also be governed by and interpreted under all applicable laws. The agreement shall be reviewed and signed by all involved entities, including the donor(s). No donations can be accepted until a fully executed agreement is in place; exceptions can be made for small donations.
Once established and received, all donations will be the property of the WKU Library and administered cooperatively by the WKU Library and the WKU Foundation. Any changes and updates to the donation’s purpose or designation will require an amendment to the original governing document. A letter of acknowledgment will be addressed to the donor(s) by the WKU Library in a timely fashion.
III. Accepted Items
The WKU Library accepts donations in forms of monetary gifts, furniture & equipment, and cultural heritage materials.
1. Monetary Gifts
Generally, there are two kinds of monetary gifts accepted by the Library:
Current Use Fund: This type of fund will be used until it is exhausted. The fund can be designated to meet the donor(s)’ specific intent, in consultation with the Library; or it may be an unrestricted fund that allows the Library’s flexibility to support its most pressing and strategic needs. The donor(s) may also choose to designate donations to a specific existing fund, if any.
Endowment Fund: This type of fund refers to donations with donor-specified restrictions that the principal is invested in perpetuity. Donor(s) may also restrict income (e.g., interest, dividend) from those investments. The WKU Library requires a minimum amount of RMB 100,000 yuan from a donor(s) to establish such an endowment fund. The endowment funds may be named in honor or memory of an entity or individual(s), as determined by the donor(s) and in consultation with the Library.
2. Furniture, Equipment & Materials
The Library welcomes gifts of furniture, technological equipment, books, and other cultural heritage materials. Donations are accepted with the understanding that they become the property of the WKU Library upon receipt and that the Library may make all necessary decisions as to their use. For the donation of books and other cultural heritage materials, refer to the WKU Library Collection Development Policy.
The Library does not accept drop-offs of large amounts of gift materials unless a substantial donation has been discussed. An appropriate Library staff member will review all gifts before acceptance by the Library. The Library will need to collect identification from the donor(s), such as a business card or letter with name and contact information. A third-party entity with legal qualifications will appraise the value of donated items.
Approved on August 12, 2020
I. Purpose
The procedure document guides the patrons to evacuate from the Library area when the emergency alarm is triggered. The Library asks the patrons to take action immediately on hearing the emergency alarm and to follow the Library staff who are wearing reflective safety vests to exit the building.
II. Procedure
1. On hearing an emergency alarm or an evacuation instruction of Library staff, immediately cease all activities and secure personal valuables within-reach, e.g., cell phones, car keys, purse, medication, glasses.
2. Follow instructions from Library staff who are wearing reflective safety vests.
3. Walk. Do not run. Be calm and quiet. Do not push or crowd.
4. Take the stairs. Use handrails in stairwells; stay to the right.
5. Assist people with disabilities.
6. After exiting the building, move to the Library’s designated assembly point – the helipad.
7. Follow the on-site Library staff’s instructions to complete the headcounts and identity recording.
8. Do not return to the building until further official notice.
Approved on March 28, 2018
Revised on June 3, 2019
Revised on December 1, 2021I. Introduction
In the course of the research, one will encounter eBook chapters and journal articles that are not available in either Wenzhou-Kean University’s or Kean University’s subscribed resources. The WKU Library will try to borrow such items for the patrons from other institutions as quickly as possible. Because of ineffective and unpredictable international shipping, the Library accepts only requests of electronic items. The WKU Library asks that patrons follow the Interlibrary Loan Policy when planning and executing an interlibrary loan request. The policy shall be revisited and revised to guarantee up-to-date reflection.
II. Interlibrary Loan Procedure
- Requests: Interlibrary loan requests can be submitted via online request form. In addition, patrons can submit requests on the intermedium page of e-resource search results. Please be aware that complete information for the requested item is required for interlibrary loan processing. A WKU email or Kean email is also required.
- Types: WKU Library accepts only requests of electronic items. Please be aware that requests for a complete ebook are not acceptable.
- Time: Please allow enough time for delivery of requested items. Most loaned items take between one and two weeks to complete the whole procedure.
- Notice: The Library will notify the patrons as soon as the requested materials arrive.
- Delivery: The Library will include a temporary link directing to the requested items in the notice. The Library asks the patrons promptly to follow the link to get access to the delivered items. The temporary link expires in 14 days.
- Availability: Once a request was sent out to the lending institution, WKU Library has no control over whether or not it is filled. Not all requested titles may be filled due to the items’ unavailability on the lenders, to the institution’s lending policy, or to the copyright law.
- Copyright: Because of copyright issues, do not circulate received items or use the items for commercial purposes.
Approved on April 8, 2016
Revised on November 27, 2019
Revised on July 13, 2020I. Introduction
Wenzhou-Kean University Library strives to serve each patron by making materials available when they are needed. The Library asks that patrons assure continued timely service to all by returning borrowed materials promptly within the stated loan period. The Library hopes to work with library patrons together to achieve an efficient use and management of library materials. The Loan Policy helps the Library better provide professional support to faculty, staff, and students. The policy shall be revisited and revised to guarantee up-to-date reflection.
II. Loan Period, Limits, & Renewals
Patrons Print Books Back Issues of Print Periodicals Course Reserve Checked Out Item Quantity Renewals Reference Books Undergraduate Students 30 days 7 days 2 hours 10 2 in-library use only Faculty, Staff & Graduate Students 90 days 7 days 2 hours 20 2 in-library use only Patrons can place a hold request through the online library catalog when logged into one’s WKU email account. The Library will retrieve and hold the requested items at the Library Service Desk for 3 days. A pick-up notice will also be sent to the corresponding patrons.
Checked-out items may be renewed up to twice if there are no holding requests on the items. Renewals can be done either in person at the Library Service Desk or through the online library catalog after logging into one’s library account. When the borrowed items are due during holiday periods when the library is closed, the due items shall be returned to the library within 2 days after the re-opening of the library without overdue penalty.
III. Penalty
- RMB 1.00 Yuan per day for any item from General Stacks overdue.
- RMB 1.00 Yuan per hour for any item from Course Reserve Stacks overdue.
- Maximum amount of penalty on an item: RMB 500.00 Yuan.
- A patron’s library account will be suspended upon overdue until fines are paid in full.
IV. Replacement for Damage and Loss
The patron who is responsible for damaged items or lost items shall pay for a replacement of the items and a service fee of RMB 20.00 Yuan, plus the penalty fee of overdue period, if any.
Approved on April 8, 2014
Revised on November 27, 2019I. Introduction
Wenzhou-Kean University Library maintains several study areas, including the group study sections, the quiet study rooms (24/7), and the Library Service Desk area. The Library hopes WKU’s faculty, staff, and students to conveniently use these areas; therefore, the Library asks that library patrons follow the policy. The policy shall be revisited and revised to reflect any updates of facilities and operations.
II. Group Study Sections
- Group study sections are intended as a place for groups to work and study together, expecting discussion and interchange of information at a normal voice tone.
- Patrons should not leave their personal belongings on tables and seats when they stop using the group study sections. The Library accepts no liability for any damages or losses to the personal belongings.
- A paper slip of Library Study Space Break must be filled and left on top of personal materials if a short absence of up to 20 minutes is needed. Without the filled paper slip the personal belongings will be removed from tables to accommodate other users.
- Regular personal belongings will be removed onto the book carts in GEH A305. Valuable personal items, such as laptops, will be placed at the GEH A301 Library Service Desk.
- Food should not be consumed in the group study sections; beverages are allowed.
- The group study sections operates up to 24:00 except for campus closed days, unless otherwise specified.
III. Quiet Study Rooms (GEH A304, A305, A306, A308)
- The quiet study rooms are available for individual study and research, where library patrons should keep their voices to a minimum and refrain from noisy activities (e.g. set cell phone on silence).
- Patrons should not leave their personal belongings on desks and seats when they leave their seats. The Library accepts no liability for any damages or losses to the personal belongings.
- A paper slip of Library Study Space Break must be filled and left on top of personal materials if a short absence of up to 20 minutes is needed. Without the filled paper slip the personal belongings will be removed from the seats to accommodate other users.
- Regular personal belongings will be removed onto the book carts in GEH A305. Valuable personal items, such as laptops, will be placed at the GEH A301 Library Service Desk.
- Foods should not be consumed in the quiet study rooms; beverages are allowed.
- GEH A304, A305, A306, A308 monitored by surveillance camera, are 24/7 operating except for campus closed days, unless otherwise specified.
IV. Library Service Desk Area (GEH A301)
- The Library Service Desk area is intended for circulation of library materials and reference service, where interchange of information at a normal voice tone is expected and allowed.
- The seats in this area can be used for individual studies. Group studies and discussions are not allowed.
- Patrons should not leave their personal belongings on tables and seats when they leave their seats. The Library accepts no liability for any damages or losses to the personal belongings.
- A paper slip of Library Study Space Break must be filled and left on top of personal materials if a short absence of up to 20 minutes is needed. Without the filled paper slip the personal belongings will be removed from the seats to accommodate other users.
- Regular personal belongings will be removed onto the book carts in GEH A305. Valuable personal items, such as laptops, will be placed at the GEH A301 Library Service Desk.
- Food and beverages in colors are NOT allowed in this area.
- Opening hours of GEH A301 are the same as the Library operating hours, unless otherwise specified.