WKU Library “Wiley Online Quiz” Result

January 08, 2021 | Library News | WKU Library

“Wiley Online Quiz” held by the WKU Library ended on December 31st 2020. Congratulations to all winners! A full list of winners is shown below:

Name Phone No. Prize
Gu** 188****7285 Morphy portable blender & Dettol hand sanitizer
Li** 151****2339 HUAWEI mini bluetooth speaker & Dettol hand sanitizer
Wu** 156****4050 HUAWEI mini bluetooth speaker & Dettol hand sanitizer
Xu** 177****3835 HUAWEI mini bluetooth speaker & Dettol hand sanitizer
Jin** 139****0102 Mi desk lamp lite & Dettol hand sanitizer
Luo** 136****3707 Mi desk lamp lite & Dettol hand sanitizer
Zhang** 138****6554 Mi desk lamp lite & Dettol hand sanitizer
Feng** 171****1018 Mi desk lamp lite & Dettol hand sanitizer
Ma** 139****4341 Mi desk lamp lite & Dettol hand sanitizer
Rodriguez** 161****0674 Mi desk lamp lite & Dettol hand sanitizer
Yang** 137****1510 Dettol hand sanitizer
Zhao** 136****8295 Dettol hand sanitizer
Yao** 137****2333 Dettol hand sanitizer
Zeng** 182****3655 Dettol hand sanitizer
Chen** 183****7718 Dettol hand sanitizer
Shen** 137****5359 Dettol hand sanitizer
Cai** 139****2258 Dettol hand sanitizer
Wang** 199****1813 Dettol hand sanitizer
Bai** 191****5067 Dettol hand sanitizer
Ma** 182****8058 Dettol hand sanitizer
Gui** 136****8400 Dettol hand sanitizer
Ye** 153****7501 Dettol hand sanitizer
Yan** 189****1845 Dettol hand sanitizer
Su** 173****7760 Dettol hand sanitizer
Yuan** 181****2511 Dettol hand sanitizer
Jiang** 178****9569 Dettol hand sanitizer
Yi** 159****6926 Dettol hand sanitizer
Hu** 151****7213 Dettol hand sanitizer
Zhou** 136****3810 Dettol hand sanitizer
Marjerison** 136****2831 Dettol hand sanitizer
Lan** 151****3960 Dettol hand sanitizer
Xiang** 178****1836 Dettol hand sanitizer
Xu** 131****6561 Dettol hand sanitizer
Xu** 187****3190 Dettol hand sanitizer
Jun** 157****8189 Dettol hand sanitizer
Kan** 139****9169 Dettol hand sanitizer
Lin** 159****5632 Dettol hand sanitizer
Guan** 173****3955 Dettol hand sanitizer
Zhou** 136****3659 Dettol hand sanitizer
Wang** 182****6837 Dettol hand sanitizer
Li** 188****6113 Dettol hand sanitizer

An email with information about the rewards will be sent to each winner. Winners can come to GEH A302 to claim the prizes before March 12th 2021.


Content |  CHEN Mengjing

Review  |  YANG Le


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