CSMAR Online Workshop
Topic: Research with CSMAR
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., September 8, 2022 (Thursday)
Speaker: Dr. Mansha YANG
Zoom Meeting ID: 973 0943 1865
Zoom Meeting Link: https://kean-edu.zoom.us/j/97309431865
The China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) Database is a research-oriented database covering data on the Chinese stock market, financial statements and China Corporate Governance of Chinese Listed Firms. WKU library has subscribed to 30 sub-databases of CSMAR. In order to make the most of these resources, we have invited CSMAR lecturer, Dr. Mansha YANG, to give an online lecture on how to get data and do research with CSMAR.
From this workshop, you will gain:
- A general understanding of CSMAR database
- How to use the subscribed sub-databases in research
- The latest data of CSMAR related to the most recent research hotspots
- Academic writing skills
If you have any questions about the workshop, please feel free to contact us via library@wku.edu.cn.
1 This workshop will be recorded, and please access the WKU Library webpage for the video (https://wku.edu.cn/en/library/service/digital-learning/workshop/).
2 Attendees of this workshop will gain co-curricular credits. If you intend to participate in this workshop, please scan the following QR code before Sep. 8, 2022.