Subscription of WKU New Electronic Resources
December 10, 2024
Library News
The WKU Library has subscribed to Nature, Science, and ChaoXing eBook. They are listed on the Library’s Database A-Z page.
Nature e-Journal
Nature, founded in 1869, is one of the foremost international scientific journals. It publishes the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
Science e-Journal
Science, founded in 1880, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a worldwide reputation. It is a leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research. The impact factor has consistently remained at the top in multiple disciplines for many years, including botany and zoology, biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, immunology, space science, and physics.
ChaoXing eBook
ChaoXing eBook collection provides access to more than 1.35 million Chinese eBooks, covering 22 major categories of Chinese Library Classification, such as literature, history, economics, etc. It is the largest Chinese eBook platform in the world.
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