2023 October Library Book Fair

October 16, 2023 | The library activities


Dear WKUers, 


We sincerely invite you to join 2023 October Library Book Fair. It will be a diverse cultural celebration aimed at supporting your learning, teaching, and research needs, while also promoting reading, knowledge sharing, and international cultural exchange. This fair will feature up to 6,000 books from prestigious academic publishers abroad, covering various academic disciplines offered by our university, such as economics, architecture and design, computer science, mathematical science, Educational Administration, humanities, and social sciences. In addition, we will also showcase a wide range of picture books. 


Most importantly, we are offering a special opportunity: “You Select, We Collect”. Any books you recommend will be purchased by the library after a thorough review and added to our collection.  


Hours: 8:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. 

Date: October 16 – 20, 2023  

Venue: B103, Floor B1, SLAC (Student Learning & Activity Center) 


This is a chance for you to actively participate in building our library collections, and we look forward to your participation in the Book Fair. 

If you have any questions about the book fair, please feel free to come to the event site for consultation or contact us via library@wku.edu.cn.


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